Caught de Mimi
Letra de Caught
(verse 1)
i felt his power everytime he spoke
in my ear, and taught me what i needed to know
he was full of knowledge and kept me interested
when with him i so energetic i get jaded
(pre- chorus)
but what i didnt know was the dark side to him
left me out in the cold and didnt take me in
thought what i should do now was just leave him then
but i just was so caught, couldnt dream of leaving him
im caught up in his loving
couldnt dream of leaving him
he is so sweet when im with him
but when im not he seems so damn grim
(verse 2)
he told me things i wanted to hear
when im with him i have nothing to fear
he could just hold me all bad things disappeared
he said he loved me but that became my greatest fear
(pre- chorus)
but what i didnt know was the dark side to him
left me out in the cold and didnt take me in
thought what i should do now was just leave him then
but i just was so caught, couldnt dream of leaving him
chorus till fade
Traducción de Caught
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